The discovery of a golden scaleless fish in China is helping scientists understand how animals evolved to live in caves.
From a stunning modern house embedded into a giant rock to an underwater villa and a futuristic fortress designed to survive ...
During my time at UC, I was founder and president of the UC Genetic Counseling Club and did research investigating hemoglobin gene regulation and expression throughout development in Astyanax ...
One fish appears “plumper” than the other “due to the accumulation of viscous fluid.” A Barbodes klapanunggalensis, or Klapanunggal blind cave barb. Photo from Wibowo, Willyanto ...
One fish appears “plumper” than the other “due to the accumulation of viscous fluid.” Klapanunggal blind cave barbs live in shallow cave pools between about 90 and 170 feet underground ...
Photo from Qin, Liu, Zhang, Shi, Du and Zhou (2025) During their visits, the team found a few “extremely rare” cave fish, the study said. Intrigued, they took a closer look at the animals and ...