He had a byte! What shoes do computers love the most ... What’s red and bad for your teeth? A brick. gahsoon/E+/Getty Images Why are pirates called pirates? They just ARRRR!
Packed with humour, this story sinks its teeth into some of the most provocative and challenging questions of our time and invites audiences to reflect on the intersection of technology, culture, and ...
A professional dental appointment to brighten your smile isn’t always in the cards, which is one reason why the best whitening kits are highly popular among beauty lovers. Over-the-counter ...
A blind Canadian man could soon see again thanks to a surprising source: his teeth. Yes, you read that right. Earlier this week, Brent Chapman underwent one of Canada’s first-ever “tooth in ...
A trio of Canadians are on track to become the country’s first residents to have their eyesight restored thanks in part to their teeth. Osteo-odonto keratoprosthesis, more commonly known as ...
In a new study, scientists have found an alarming link between sugary soda and oral cancer. As United Press International reports, new research out of the University of Washington found that ...
We may earn commission if you buy from a link. Why Trust Us? A study out of Japan showed how targeting genes can regrow teeth in animals. Now, the team has turned to a human clinical trial.
The treatment for white spots on teeth will depend on their cause. Options include composite resin treatment, managing tooth decay, avoiding sugary drinks, and adjusting fluoride use. White spots ...
California's Privacy Protection Agency, the only such dedicated state agency in the U.S., named Tom Kemp as its new executive ...
While bones can regrow themselves when they break, teeth aren’t so lucky, and that leads to millions of people worldwide suffering from some form of edentulism, a.k.a. toothlessness. Now ...
Editor’s Note: This DI is a two-part series. Part 1 shows how to make an oscillator with a pitch that is proportional to a control voltage. Part 2 shows how to modify the circuit for use with higher ...
Editor’s Note: This DI is a two-part series. Part 1 shows how to make an oscillator with a pitch that is proportional to a control voltage. Part 2 shows how to modify the circuit for use with higher ...