Students heading into UVic’s computer science, data science and software engineering programs will be able to take small ...
Developed by UVic’s Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science (ECS) the new Computing Gateway Program, is an entry program ...
Diercks graduated from MSOE in 1990 with a bachelor’s degree in computer science and engineering. He was the 22nd employee at ...
TCTM Kids IT Education Inc, today announced that the board of directors of the Company has approved the re-designation of ...
Before cybersecurity was a household word, UNC Charlotte foresaw that cyber defense would have major national security, financial and societal implications.
This key component is outlined in the plan for higher education and pedagogical institution network development in the ...
The proposal, which was presented by members of the Ohio House and has yet to be officially introduced, would require schools to offer at least one computer science course for students in grades 8-12.
A bipartisianOhio students would be required to complete a yearlong computer science class to graduate from high school under ...
The University of Houston College of Education offers bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral programs in the areas of education, leadership, health and human sciences. Students committed to academic ...