The techniques detect EEG brain wave activity, indicating that the patient can ... by changing their environment--may promote their recovery. "If you think about the ICU environment, it is rather ...
Scientists have discovered hidden brain waves which reveal how many people in a coma after recent brain injuries are much more conscious than we ever thought.
The techniques detect EEG brain wave activity indicating that ... "If you think about the ICU environment, it is rather disruptive for a good night's sleep. There is noise everywhere, alarms ...
The techniques detect EEG brain wave activity ... "If you think about the ICU environment, it is rather disruptive for a good night's sleep. There is noise everywhere, alarms going off, clinicians ...
There is a need for more studies regarding the role of amplitude-integrated EEG in the neonatal ICU. This special age-specific population imposes particular diagnostic difficulties, which manifest ...
The techniques detect EEG brain wave activity indicating that ... "If you think about the ICU environment, it is rather disruptive for a good night's sleep. There is noise everywhere, alarms ...
Xenon CT Accurate and high spatial quality Xenon is a known vasodilator, and is not widely available to most ICUs EEG Provides detection ... safe for most unstable ICU patients NIRS O 2 with ...
Until now, scientists have mainly focused on EEG recordings to tell if comatose patients were ... sleep could improve their chances of recovery. 'If you think about the ICU environment, it is rather ...
Researchers analyzed EEG recordings of 226 comatose patients and found that ... by changing their environment—may promote their recovery. “If you think about the ICU environment, it is rather ...
How do you make a tissue dance? Put a little boogie in it.” As evidenced by my “dad jokes,” in addition to my role as a ...