The unintended result? A room that, in her words, looked like it had an emo fringe. "Guys I can't breathe. I bought this lampshade from Marks & Spencer's, thought it looked fancy," she captioned ...
Ari Kerssens grew up watching queer makeup artists on YouTube and enrolled in a makeup course towards the end of school. It ...
This was exacerbated by the high frequency of hair flicking and fringe adjustment that went on during those dark couple of years. Throughout this time and into my early 20s, I suffered with scalp ...
Wall, 28, grew up in Cooma, a town of a few thousand people on the Snowy Mountain Highway in New South Wales. They were an ...
Fast Company's 2025 list of the most innovative companies in social media includes Duolingo, Bluesky, the Boston Celtics, ...
Grab your mascara and pull down your fringe, we're jonesing for Sonic Unleashed on Switch 2. Inspired by the Majora's Mask 'Zelda 64 Recompiled' project, 'Unleashed Recompiled' brings Sonic's emo ...
and resurrected her fascination with emo and goth aesthetics. Correspondingly, the palette was mostly black and red, with some pops of cerulean and a “centipede” scarf with all-around fringe ...
"If even one person listens to it on a road trip, feeling emo and cruising down a highway ... Also at the Edinburgh Fringe, a reviewer said I look like the bad guy in Toy Story, that kid Sid ...