Finnish quantum computing company IQM Quantum Computers has partnered with VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland to launch ...
Developed countries, including Japan and Canada, currently have some of the best education systems in the world.
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland and IQM Quantum Computers have completed Europe’s first 50-qubit superconducting ...
Finland needs a structured and long-term immigration policy to tackle demographic challenges and workforce shortages, ...
On 27 February, President Alar Karis visited the Institute of Biotechnology in Finland to learn about its research and infrastructure, particular ...
Contemporary sweat baths reflect the country’s architectural past — and propose a future in which simple, sustainable ...
Finland's security and intelligence service Supo is closely watching how U.S. intelligence positions itself towards Russia ...
Finland Ambassador to India Kimmo Lahdevirta lauded the Punjab government's initiatives in the education sector, while ...
He emphasized that all participants aim to end the conflict and agreed on three key points: continued military, political, ...
Punjab School Education Minister and Finland's Ambassador inaugurate teacher training program for modernising education in ...