Nutria, an invasive species, has caused erosion and loss of habitat in California and approximately 19 other states.
The discovery of a golden scaleless fish in China is helping scientists understand how animals evolved to live in caves.
An invasive species is an introduced non-native organism that begins to spread or expand its range from an original ...
Researchers at the University of Gothenburg have discovered that what was previously thought to be a unique seaweed species of bladderwrack for the Baltic Sea is in fact a giant clone of common ...
The US Fish and Wildlife Service is hoping you’ve got an appetite for protecting your environment. The service has recently announced that five invasive species currently spreading in various habitats ...
Officials believe the creature – which they referred to as a “megalodon” – was swimming with the fishes for at least two ...
As part of National Invasive Species Week, the agency is calling on Americans to “eat the invaders,” including swamp-dwelling nutria ...
The same goes for plant-based ingredients; kudzu and garlic mustard are both invasive species that can be foraged and eaten, ...
It's National Invasive Species Awareness Week and the US Fish and Wildlife Service wants people to know that nutria can be ...
Today, the rodents are also causing trouble along the Atlantic coast and in portions of California. While rodents aren’t a ...
During National Invasive species Awareness Week, Michigan officials continue working to prevent the spread of invasive species.