Dairy prices have been under pressure from lower demand and future demand uncertainty. Tariffs have cast a bearish cloud over ...
The film compares milk production on a small farm and a large farm, highlighting their different methods. On the small farm, ...
Dairy farms have expanded steadily since the 1970s and now compete for economic strength with beef cattle operations.
The widespread adoption of beef-on-dairy crossbreeding is transforming both the dairy and beef industries, creating new ...
Clearing land for cattle and cows is the single biggest driver of rainforest loss in the Amazon. This "hotel for cows" in ...
A USDA livestock economist says the impact of highly pathogenic avian influenza on milk production seems to be dwindling.
Denis Collins is farming in partnership with his wife Leonora and his brother Paudie in Newmarket, Co. Cork where new ...
Lauren Kinsella and his father Laurence intend to cut their herd by a quarter this year, while supplying the same tonnage of ...