Interstate 40 along the Pigeon River Gorge will reopen on March 1. The road will have one lane open in each direction. Officials are calling for motorists to expect delays and longer travel times.
The eastbound lane will be separated from the Pigeon River Gorge by a 12-foot shoulder and a concrete barrier. Will trucks be allowed to drive on the reopened section of Interstate 40? Yes.
I-40 through the Pigeon River Gorge is expected to reopen on March 1 Over 2,000 feet of soil nail wall was installed to stabilize the road. The stretch of road supports over 26,000 daily vehicles.
A high-speed chase down Interstate 40 on Thursday evening resulted in an emergency medical airlift at the edge of the Pigeon ...
A crucial stretch of Interstate 40 through North Carolina’s Pigeon River Gorge reopened Saturday, five months after Hurricane ...
I-40 through the Pigeon River Gorge is expected to reopen on March 1 Over 2,000 feet of soil nail wall was installed to stabilize the road. The stretch of road supports over 26,000 daily vehicles.
Interstate 40 along the Pigeon River Gorge will reopen on March 1. The road will have one lane open in each direction. Officials are calling for motorists to expect delays and longer travel times.
JONATHAN CREEK - Driving west along Interstate 40 in the Pigeon River Gorge, the cliffs adjacent to the road have been covered in a gray concrete and soil nails that look as if they were pressed ...
The N.C. Department of Transportation has installed 2,088 feet of "soil nail wall" to support the westbound lanes of Interstate 40 in the Pigeon River Gorge. How much will full repairs along I-40 ...