An always-fatal disease that wildlife biologists expect will diminish northwest Wyoming’s elk population for decades has ...
The meeting included a Trump tirade about how innocent poor Putin is of any attempt to spread false information in America. In addition, a staffer from Tass, the government-controlled Russian news ...
I still remember seeing one cow thief squirm when I watched ... species of game in Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho except buffalo. When on a Wyoming elk hunt, a sportsman had downed a big bull elk ...
Here in western Montana, big game hunting opportunities are plentiful, with over-the-counter tags for deer, elk, bear, mountain lion ... They have each taken one bull and one cow in the last twenty ...
The Idaho Department of Fish and Game captured and relocated a cow moose and her calf from the University of Idaho campus ...
Fish and Game’s Elk Management plan establishes population objectives for each elk zone. Those objectives are influenced by a ...
There could be less opportunity to hunt on the National Elk Refuge during the upcoming hunting season. As the Jackson Elk ...
If you want to see what the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation has become, look no further than the elk slaughter bill it supports to benefit outfitters selling trophy bulls, to the detriment of elk ...
The Idaho Department of Fish and Game released a herd warning for motorists in the Chubbuck area. A herd of elk is currently ...