The snow has moved out of central Iowa, but strong winds and dangerous road conditions remain. Check the latest conditions.
A video from the Iowa Department of Transportation shows the dire conditions drivers in Iowa had to endure during the blizzard Wednesday.
Iowa State Patrol and towing companies are busy dealing with vehicles that went into ditches after Tuesday night's snow storm ...
The Iowa State Patrol responded to over 500 calls for service from the hours of 9 p.m. March 4 and 5 p.m. March 5.
Iowa State Patrol is asking everyone to stay home as a blizzard leads to difficult and even impossible travel in the state.The Iowa DOT has most of western Iowa ...
The winter operations administrator for the Iowa DOT has just two words for Iowans during this blizzard: “Stay home!” Craig ...
With the incoming weather, it might be time to reevaluate your trips on the road during the major snow event with the risk of ...
Evelyn Bothmer, 99, was struck by an Iowa City Fire Department truck that was leaving the scene, according to an Iowa State ...
For Craig Bargfrede, the Iowa DOT’s Winter Operations Administrator, Wednesday was a hectic day. Earlier in the morning, the ...
A 16-year-old was killed and a 20-year-old was injured in a single-vehicle crash in Worth County on Saturday morning.
WEBSTER COUNTY, Iowa — A 16-year-old was killed in a Webster County crash Friday morning after he was rear-ended, the Iowa State Patrol said.
During the last statewide snowfall in February, the Iowa State Patrol received 233 calls for service, including 54 crashes and 179 motorist assists. With the fast-moving nature of the upcoming storm, ...