These four scientists studied Iowa’s flora, preserved prairie, and drafted legislation to establish Iowa’s state park system.
Lovers of all things Iowa, this stunning state forest looks and feels like something out of a fairytale instead of our little corner of the world.
The announcements of thousands of National Park Service employees being laid off have had the remaining staff at some ...
I am absolutely … against the state of Iowa competing with me to buy property ... its money would go toward efforts to protect and enhance water quality as well as parks, trails, fish and wildlife ...
Keep Iowa Beautiful is calling on Iowans to help achieve our statewide goal of 2,500 volunteers to clean up litter across the state this spring.
“I think everybody's for the water quality and for the parks and the recreational stuff ... to Iowans is essential to ...
The D-N-R building on the Iowa State Fairgrounds known for its large tanks displaying the various fish species from across ...
While Iowa doesn't have any "national parks" akin to a Yellowstone or a Yosemite National Park, it does have four National Park Service-affiliated areas in the state. These are: Effigy Mounds ...