Paleobiologist Scott Lakeram analyzes 300-million-year-old coal ball fossils to reveal prehistoric plant-insect interactions ...
A deep dive into Earth’s distant past shows how life on land struggled to recover long after the worst warming event of all ...
A team of scientists from University College Cork (UCC), the University of Connecticut, and the Natural History Museum of ...
Fossil from dinosaur the size of a pony pulled from cliff on Isle of Skye - It dates from the Middle Jurassic period and is ...
Fossil evidence reveals that palm trees once thrived in the Canadian Arctic, challenging everything we know about Earth's ...
The new Argentine dino might give us clues to what the world was like before the asteroid wiped out their kind.
Author Jared Sullivan wrote a book critical about TVA but he doesn’t think the state should give up on the federal power ...
Politically, there’s a lot of support for coal in Wyoming and Utah where Rocky Mountain Power is operating so I think they ...
Emerging from the ashes of Renewcell, Circulose has joined forces with environmental nonprofit Canopy to promote the use of responsibly sourced cellulosic fibers.
A town in northeast Kansas is telling its residents to limit their water usage. On Thursday, Feb. 20, the City of Marysville ...
No matter the geologic time difference, cockroaches have thrived for eons. Through changing environments, shifting continents, ice and greenhouse ages, and even the asteroid that wiped out the ...
He argues that “cross-polarized light microscopy images of fossil bones, collected for a century, should be revisited.” The reason for this is the possibility that something may have been ...