Federal cuts have gutted the already-stretched-thin Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit, putting on hold critical work for the ...
The Tahoe Fire and Fuels Team will continue prescribed fire operations this week at Lake Tahoe, if conditions and weather are ...
Lake Tahoe Basin Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP) is now officially signed and valid, marking another significant ...
As we spring forward for Daylight Savings Time on Sunday March 9 – a quick reminder to set your clocks forward one hour and ...
Firing U.S. Forest Service and National Park Service workers en masse will undermine firefighting, recreation and more. The ...
Rain has returned to the Bay Area, along with strong winds, as the first storm system enters the region. Follow along for ...
Firings, dismissals and budget freezes could close nearly 4,000 campsites in California's 18 national forests this summer, the New York Times reports.
Wednesday will end the stretch of sunny, spring-like weather for Northern California as heavy snow, rain and wind are expected.