The selfie- and snuggle-loving llama called Whitetop is 27 years and more than 250 days old — and loves his job.
Once again a strong demand for all classes of stock saw steers sell to £2860 for a 830kg Hereford (345.00). While heifers ...
Chaos briefly erupted at the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo in Texas when a heifer escaped from its handlers and took off ...
Shrinking cattle inventories in recent years leads to a wide range of impacts on the multi-sectored cattle industry.
Decisions up and down the beef supply chain evolve around calculating costs and breakeven prices. That calculation in the ...
Another large entry of 1370 cattle returned an exceptional demand for a lot of top quality stock on Saturday 1st March with ...
Bulls reached a ceiling of 8,000gns, while heifers sold to a top of 6,200gns, at the British Limousin Society’s regional ...
The most common Bos taurus beef cattle breeds in Kenya are the Charlorais, Hereford, Simental and Angus. These breeds are, ...
NuLu Bock & Wurst Fest returns to Louisville on Saturday, March 22nd - this time with a fresh new “micro marathon” to kick ...
These friendships often lasted for life, and scientists say they show how male primates can use kindness and affection to ...
The widespread adoption of beef-on-dairy crossbreeding is transforming both the dairy and beef industries, creating new ...
The distributor, which will release the film theatrically, adds it to its recent lineup, which includes “The Substance,” “Motel Destino” and “Holy Cow.” “Living the Land” is a ...