As lawmakers debate which tax cuts to include in their historic reconciliation bill, a 15% corporate tax rate and a broad, 25% small business deduction should be the centerpieces.
The sector's high duration poses interest rate risks, but the current high nominal and real rates provide a margin of safety ...
Among some of the major changes introduced by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) was the offer of double standard deductions.
The Trump administration has committed to sweeping action on tax policy. Learn more about the top five tax policy changes ...
A new bill authored by Republican Senator Dave Rader of Tulsa passed committee this week. He says the bill will help lower ...
In 2024, Georgia simplified its tax system by consolidating its six tax rates into one flat tax rate of 5.39%. The flat rate was initially set to be 5.49%, but a July 2024 bill decreased it by 0.10%.
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act reduced taxes for millions of Americans. Who benefited most? We'll look at tax liabilities, before ...
India has one of the highest GST rates globally, leading to lower tax revenue efficiency and economic activity. High tax ...
Farmers and small businesses will be hit with huge tax increases if Congress fails to reauthorize the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act ...
The House Republican budget plan would pair tax cuts that primarily benefit the rich with cuts to programs that help the poor ...
More than 850,000 farms and ranches nationwide have a lower tax bill under the Section 199A qualified business income ...
When they file their returns this year, high-income taxpayers should be prepared for an additional hit. The net investment ...