In an announcement on Thursday, Meta said it's returning to its roots and bringing "the magic of friends" back to Facebook ...
Declaring that "Social media should feel social," Facebook offers a new tab that features only friend-related posts and ...
Mark Zuckerberg is experimenting with the return of 'OG' Facebook features this year. Up next is a tab dedicated to stories, ...
Once you're ready to go, here's how to delete your Facebook once and for all. Go to Settings & Privacy > Settings > Account ...
The Friends tab on Facebook will now show content just from your Facebook friends, no recommended content. This is the first ...
Meta, Facebook's parent company, is rolling out the Calls tab to the Facebook Messenger app on Android and iOS. The move ...
Whether it’s old upholstery or items likely to have faulty wiring, these are the items you should never buy on Facebook ...
Facebook admits that the magic of friends has fallen away. So now, the company is releasing a dedicated Friends feed that ...
Meta is hoping to bring back the original Facebook experience with a new Friends tab that shows only content from friends, ...
Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg told a podcast that he bought a shirt Jesse Eisenberg wore while portraying him in the movie "The ...
Scammers are becoming more savvy, tricking victims through fake job posts and fraudulent property listings on social media ...
Say goodbye to countertop appliances for good. There are just two upper cabinets and two lower cabinets, with nowhere ...