"Excessive drinking" includes binge drinking, heavy drinking, drinking while pregnant, and underage drinking, according to the CDC.
Sadie McKeown, who got nearly $7 billion from a Biden administration climate slush fund, forced through the sale of a ...
Firefighters in North Carolina gain movement on containing two of the state's largest fires, while South Carolina's largest ...
The collapse of an abandoned mineshaft beneath Route 80 in Morris County on December 26 highlights the risk posed by New ...
The number of cases of measles this year has already surpassed the total number recorded for the entirety of last year, when ...
A race for an open seat on Wisconsin's top court will be an early test of the Trump administration's popularity in a ...
Whipping winds are predicted in parts of western New York on Monday ... within Chautauqua and southern Erie counties. Monroe County could see gusts up to 30 mph. Gusts are expected to reach ...
A report by the Lippman Independent Commission challenges the city’s acquiescence toward failing to replace the existing dilapidated jails.
The latest data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show 378 people in 18 states have been diagnosed with ...
Since 2005, the Science Olympiad for day school students has been organized by Dr. Linda Padwa, of the Institute for STEM ...