An American sailor said the Portuguese-flagged cargo ship ‘came out of the blue’ as it smashed into his oil tanker ...
An oil tanker and cargo ship are both reported to be on fire after colliding in the North Sea off the coast of Lincolnshire, ...
Logistics firm Crowley, the operator of MV Stena Immaculate, said all crew was accounted for after the collision in the North Sea, near Grimsby.
Despite all the deep-sea expeditions and samples taken from the seabed over the past 100 years, humans still know very little ...
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David Mearns knows how to find a wreck. He’s an oceanographer and the director at Blue Water Recoveries, a British salvage ...
An environmental group in the U.K. says the North Sea tanker collision could become a "disaster in really important protected ...
The transaction, involving a $450 million cash payment for 100% Sval's shares plus assumption of debt, accelerates DNO's pivot back to its North Sea roots after decades of exploration and ...
Serica and EnQuest are in discussions over a possible merger amid a challenging backdrop for the North Sea oil and gas sector. Bosses at Serica believe a tie-up would deliver 'substantial ...
The crash between the US oil tanker Stena Immaculate and the Portuguese cargo vessel the Solong happened 10 miles off East ...
A camera onboard a nearby vessel has captured the moment a cargo ship crashed into a tanker carrying jet fuel for the US military.
Multiple wildfires were actively burning Thursday in North and South Carolina ... was continuously updating an interactive map to chart the locations and basic characteristics of each fire ...