As the Tasmanian salmon industry battles to control the fallout from dead fish washing up on local beaches and revelations ...
The EPA warned the high court that narrowly tailoring permitting regulations would force the agency to delay projects.
The current plan calls for Resilience to land that day at 3:24 p.m. EST (2024 GMT) near the center of Mare Frigoris ("Sea of ...
The US government is eschewing paper straws and going back to plastic. So why are the plastic variety restricted in many countries around the world in the first place?
The Supreme Court has made it harder for environmental regulators to limit water pollution, ruling for San Francisco in a ...
According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, up to 11.3 million ton of clothes and shoes were put in landfill in ...
As brands grow increasingly skeptical of retail media's value, Harvey Ma is determined to change the narrative.
Monday means rallies in Annapolis, this time for LGBTQ+, developmentally disabled advocates; Korman and Love get a very early ...
China is canvassing public opinion on rules for import of remnants from the recycling of spent lithium-ion batteries, as well as recycled steel materials, the environment ministry said on Tuesday.
Thirty-two projects, including six in the Upper Peninsula, will share $3.6 million in funding through the Michigan Invasive ...
Power outages at retail stores push tons of good food into dumpsters, hitting both the environment and bottom line. A Reddit ...
"For a long time, neighborhoods like mine have suffered as the result of the poor air quality, inflicted on us by the massive ...