It has been claimed that when Donald Trump travelled to Moscow for the first time back in 1987, as a 40-year-old real estate ...'s how Putin became the world's most powerful person » ...
President Biden claimed Thursday that he has “known” Vladimir Putin “for over 40 years” — despite Russia’s president having served as an undercover KGB intelligence officer through the ...
The fight is by no means over, with the head of the E.U. Commission announcing plans to strengthen Europe’s defense industry and drastically increase military capabilities.
The key is to flatter him. He looks up to Putin.” Jack Barsky, an author and former undercover KGB agent in the US, says that Putin’s time in the KGB is better understood as part of a ...
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin told the FSB security service on Thursday that initial contacts with the ...
Questions about U.S. President Donald Trump's possibly shady relationship with Russia and the country's security services have long swirled, even culminating in a special counsel investigation during ...