Polar bears live on ice—but new conditions are injuring them Polar bears live on ice—but new conditions are injuring them Bird flu is spreading from pole to pole. Here’s why it matters.
This story appears in the February 2019 issue of National Geographic magazine ... and we were looking for seals and polar bears. NGM Maps When we anchored the boat at the fjord ice, we spotted ...
Polar bears perch on sea ice to ambush seals—the source of 90 percent of their calories—when the seals surface. National Geographic Explorer-in-Residence Enric Sala is leading an effort to ...
This story appears in the August 2011 issue of National Geographic magazine ... a walking contradiction—a white black bear. Neither albino nor polar bear, the spirit bear (also known as the ...
AI can help you plan your next trip—if you know how to ask. If you live near polar bears, ‘bear-dar’ could save your life If you live near polar bears, ‘bear-dar’ could save your life ...
This story appears in the April 2009 issue of National Geographic magazine ... in the circumpolar region can match its biodensity. Polar bears thrive here. Roughly half the estimated 3,000 ...
Wildlife-watching, especially for polar bears, is why people visit. • Transition Region One of Canada’s most accessible northern national parks, Wapusk—Cree for “white bear ...
These include jaguars, tigers, and polar bears. By contrast, lions, otters, wolves, and dolphins live in family groups. Even more social are some of the herbivores, especially hoofed animals like ...