Daughter of reporter and editor Bill Cunningham on a quest to collect his accounts of iron lung treatment and physical therapy he received while recovering.
Routine polio shots aren't done for people aged 18 or older who live in the U.S. Most people are already vaccinated. But three groups of adults have higher risk for polio infection. You may want ...
Full vaccination against polio with IPV requires a series of four shots, typically administered in childhood. People getting vaccinated as adults may receive a series of three injections.
Polio, whooping cough, tetanus and diphtheria cause significant sickness and sometimes death in unvaccinated infants, children, and adults. This vaccine is for use as a booster in adults ...
Measles can spread incredibly fast — it's one of the world's most contagious diseases, more than flu, polio, COVID, or just about any other infectious disease.
With a measles outbreak growing in West Texas, and isolated cases popping up across the country, experts say vaccination is ...
polio regularly killed and disabled American children and, occasionally, adults, too. Consuming a full decade’s worth of banal content, I was struck by how these magazines show, in aggregate ...
Prior to the rollout of the Salk polio vaccine in 1955, polio regularly killed and disabled American children and, occasionally, adults, too. Consuming a full decade’s worth of banal content, I was ...