Os parâmetros K 1 e K 2 são as permeabilidades darciana e não darciana ... O preparo inicial dos corpos-de-prova foi realizado em metalizadora Bal-Tec, modelo SCD 005, por metalização com ouro nas ...
Descubra como identificar e se proteger do golpe do Serasa Limpa Nome. Aprenda a reconhecer táticas fraudulentas. Confira!
Hubert Rodell startled his 2-year-old bernedoodle when he leapt from his couch to give Donald Trump a standing ovation during his joint address to Congress this month. The president had touted to ...
The blaze started just before midnight on Thursday at a substation about 2 miles (3.2 kilometers) from the airport and took firefighters around seven hours to bring under control. Authorities said ...
Michigan car seat laws are changing on April 2. Updated laws change how long a child must remain in a type of car seat before moving up to the next safety seat. LANSING, Mich. (FOX 2 ...
Superbloom: Thorns detonate for 40 extra damage when enough stick within 2.5 seconds. Bass Blowout: Soundwave’s knockback is increased by 15 percent. Groovin’: Regenerate four ammo per second ...