Steven Soderbergh’s spy thriller Black Bag is struggling to recoup its massive USD 50 million production cost but is holding ...
Is it Mark’s (Steven Yeun) sweet proposal to Atom Eve ... meta-human on earth Based on the eponymous comic book created by Robert Kirkman, Cory Walker, and Ryan Ottley, Invincible picks up ...
An Elkhart man accused in a March murder learned on Thursday that his jury trial in Elkhart County Circuit Court would be continued to the fall. Michael Dandridge, 39, of Elkhart, was charged with the ...
Black Bag' May Be the Apotheosis of Steven Soderbergh’s 'Little' Films. It's Time for Him to Take a Bigger Swing ...
Revolt CEO Detavio Samuels explains how the linear TV and digital brand is adapting on the Variety podcast 'Strictly Business ...
Steven Soderbergh was never like that ... And I haven’t even mentioned Soderbergh’s current movie, the highly acclaimed “Black Bag,” an exhilaratingly immersive thriller about married ...
Amid the disruption in pay TV, racial tension in the body politic, the return of Trump and the challenge of steering an independent Black-owned ... I also reached out to Robert Johnson, the ...
Just as he lights up our little screens in the excellent espionage thriller The Agency, on the big screen, he is George Woodhouse in Steven Soderbergh’s Black Bag. George, a British intelligence ...