Central Sanskrit University will start a four-year Shastri (undergraduate) course and a one-year Acharya (postgraduate) ...
Far-right rhetoric is suffused with dark talk of impending calamities. It’s a favorite trope of autocrats who are, themselves ...
If the UK government is serious about soft power, it now needs to cancel the outstanding debt (not least when there is £16bn ...
Dr. Kelly is survived by his son, Ken, four adult grandchildren and 10 great grandchildren. In lieu of flowers, donations may ...
These works explore questions of cultural dynamics and remembrance, perfect for anyone who wants to read like a History ...
Creating biosensors to detect infectious diseases. The grant appears to have been tagged for the repeated use of "POC," an ...
A new survey of religious affiliations in the US shows which states have seen the largest growth in Christianity, and which have seen the largest reduction.
Two Nebraska high school students are joining more than 100 other students from across the nation to learn about American ...
The Vachana Mantapa will not only be a place of learning and discussion but also a symbol of Karnataka’s rich spiritual and ...
Proposed behavioral markers provide a novel approach to accurately understanding both animals and humans. A team of ...
Author Manu S Pillai dives deep into primary and secondary sources to show the trajectory modern Hindu identity formation ...