The long-lost city of Aten, near Luxor, was initially discovered in 2021 and has now been fully excavated, offers insights ...
The Suez Crisis saw global powers clash over one of the world’s most strategic waterways. How did this crisis reshape ...
Hamas welcomed on Tuesday Egypt's Gaza re-construction plan and called for providing means for its success, following an ...
New research in Sumerian Eridu, the oldest known city, has mapped thousands of canals and farms, shedding light on the ...
Coastal erosion from rising sea levels has led to the collapse of 280 buildings across Alexandria, Egypt, over the past two ...
Researchers at USC discovered that buildings in Alexandria, Egypt, are collapsing from the bottom up because of saltwater ...
Despite inevitable setbacks in the world’s energy transition, the MENA region still holds great potential to become a global ...
The Egypt-Greece electricity interconnection is part of a larger regional effort to improve energy security and integrate ...