With more than 500 bridges crisscrossing the city of Philadelphia, they are an integral part of daily life. In a city defined by its rivers, bridges make possible the connections between people.
For the king, the aim was to make “submission not just tolerable but actually desirable.” That enabled Mesopotamian rule to ...
The irrigation network consists of over 200 primary canals, some of which stretch up to nine kilometers in length and are ...
As a fixture of India’s burgeoning craft beer scene, Varsha Bhat is a rarity twice over: first as a woman who brews alcohol, ...
Architect Masoud Akbarzadeh of the Weitzman School of Design at the Univeisity of Pennsylvania led a team of engineers and ...
Marco Polo (1254--1324) is likely the most famous merchant who ever lived. Even small children know his name, thanks to the ...
The 38-year-old had for years weathered barbs from male peers questioning whether she had the muscles to carry hefty bags of hops or was calm enough to deal with the job's pressures.But after a decade ...
New research in Sumerian Eridu, the oldest known city, has mapped thousands of canals and farms, shedding light on the ...
Lyuba Basin oversees the Rare Books section at the Marriott Library, inspiring others with cultural and historical works.
The ancient city of Teos sits on the western coast of Türkiye, directly across the Aegean Sea from Athens. Today, it is ...