President Donald Trump addressed a joint session of Congress on March 4, the first-year equivalent of the annual State of the Union address. Whatever one thinks of this administration’s policies ...
This week's FOX54 Top Teacher is 7th grade science teacher John Talley! John Talley likes to keep students on their feet. “We ...
Five Lincoln Public School educators were recognized for their hard work and dedication at the Governor’s Mansion in honor of ...
During the 2024-25 school year, officials said that students, families, and staff members are encouraged to share their ...
President Trump and Elon Musk are desperately trying to cut spending by getting rid of government employees, agencies, departments and many foreign expenses and all the abuse, corruption and fraud.
Port Salerno Elementary volunteers and fifth-grade teacher coordinated the project, not expecting a bottle to be found 16 ...
The Department of Education's efforts to keep racial diversity out of schools has left educators wondering how and when to ...
Pedee Middle School teacher Stacey Zaback received the Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching ...
I want to compliment David Nolan on “A Run Across Vermont” (January 12), about running across the Molly Stark (Route 9). I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. He threaded together a very nice story, a ...
Before you read: The Education Bureau ... for local primary schools. Hong Kong teachers have mixed feelings about implementing a new science subject as part of a plan to cut general studies ...
DEAR MISS MANNERS: My husband recently passed, and I sent thank-you notes to everyone who gave a monetary gift or sent flowers. Are thank-you notes required to those who attended the wake services?
DEAR MISS MANNERS: My husband recently passed, and I sent thank-you notes to everyone who gave a monetary gift or sent flowers. Are thank-you notes required to those who attended the wake services?