Daylight saving time is about to begin again, despite sleep experts (and the president) wanting to eliminate time changes.
The Department of State has selected a contractor to update the state’s 22-year-old voter registration system. Over the next ...
Just what would it take for an honorable man to change his mind about the felonious occupant of the White House?
Unlike other, easier-to-remember federal events, like the Fourth of July, the clock change in the United States is tied to ... writing in the Uniform Time Act, decided that the right time of ...
Looking for random tidbits to bring out at your next dinner party? Here are 167 random fun facts suitable for anyone in your life.
And the unfortunate situation is that the United States has joined the club of those ... told reporters that remarks about the military uniform were tone deaf. "I know my father was in the Gulf ...
Parade, one of the largest Irish heritage celebrations in the United States, is Monday, March 17. Here's what to know.
A fire at Kampar will close the Malaysian restaurant for the foreseeable future while repairs are completed, chef-owner Ange Branca said. The restaurant in Bella Vista was named a semifinalist ...
In a welcome break from cold winter days at home, the members of the Shadrach Bond Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR), met on Feb. 21 at ...