China is infringing on Uyghurs’ right to freedom of movement by enforcing strict travel restrictions for those who travel, Human Rights Watch (HRW) said in a report released on Monday. While Beijing ...
Uyghur rights activist Rizwanagul NurMuhammad strongly criticised the planned event in parliament. "As a Uyghur who has lost my brother to China’s arbitrary detention, I cannot stay silent while ...
Over 1,200 exiled Uyghurs gathered outside the Chinese Consulate in Istanbul on Wednesday to mark the 28th anniversary of the Ghulja Massacre. Led by Hidayet Oguzhan, President of the ...
Please contact us in case of abuse. In case of abuse, The ongoing repression of Uyghur Muslims in China’s Xinjiang region has been one of the gravest human rights crises of the 21st century.
HONG KONG -- Human Rights Watch on Tuesday issued a fresh warning on continued abuse of minority Uyghurs by Chinese authorities, just as a reported appointment to a key diplomatic post in ...
Ghojaniyaz Yollugh Tekin, a well-known historian specializing in Uyghur studies and place names is facing a 17-year prison sentence due to his writings, according to a report by Radio Free Asia (RFA).
Over 1,200 exiled Uyghurs protested outside the Chinese Consulate in Istanbul to mark the 28th anniversary of the Ghulja Massacre, highlighting ongoing repression in China. The Tribune ...
Bland Virkkunens ansvarsområden finns europeisk säkerhet, tekniskt oberoende och demokrati. Finlands gräns mot Ryssland är över 130 mil lång. För närvarande lägger Natolandet Finland ...
Grunden i vår journalistik är trovärdighet och opartiskhet. Sveriges Radio är oberoende i förhållande till politiska, religiösa, ekonomiska, offentliga och privata särintressen.
Det grova våldet normaliseras och kan sedan bli ännu grövre. Oberoende av motiv – i den mån ett konkret motiv finns – lär dådet spä på rådande konflikter och motsättningar i Sverige. Våld föder våld, ...
The Uighurs in Xinjiang have a history of initiating an independence movement in the 1930s under the name "East Turkestan." Following the collapse of the Soviet Union and the changing political ...