Del 3 av 3 i reportageserien Par på äldre dar • Redan vid första mötet med Stig anade Jytte att han var bönesvaret. Men Jonas Attenius (S), Göteborgs starke man, anser inte att man lokalt kan gå in ...
Bland Virkkunens ansvarsområden finns europeisk säkerhet, tekniskt oberoende och demokrati. Finlands gräns mot Ryssland är över 130 mil lång. För närvarande lägger Natolandet Finland ...
Members of the Hong Kong and Uyghur communities in Ireland have called on the Irish government to address China’s transnational repression and human rights violations during Chinese Foreign Minister ...
Grunden i vår journalistik är trovärdighet och opartiskhet. Sveriges Radio är oberoende i förhållande till politiska, religiösa, ekonomiska, offentliga och privata särintressen.
China has on Feb 13 sought to reject a Swiss government report suggesting that it has been cracking down on Tibetans and Uyghurs living in Switzerland under the globally condemned campaign of ...
All Abduweli Ayup wanted to do was start a school. He's a Uyghur linguist who specializes in Turkic languages. After years of studying abroad, he returned to his native China in 2011 and started ...
A group of 48 Uyghurs, detained in Thailand for over ten years, are facing the imminent threat of deportation to China. They have appealed to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) ...
Beijing [China] February 15 (ANI): A total of 48 Uyghurs detained for over a decade in Thailand now face the imminent threat of being sent back to China and have requested the Office of the UN High ...
Over 1,200 exiled Uyghurs gathered outside the Chinese Consulate in Istanbul on Wednesday to mark the 28th anniversary of the Ghulja Massacre. Led by Hidayet Oguzhan, President of the ...