Wyatt Earp may not have been as celebrated a movie as fellow western Unforgiven, but it sports an impressive cast, and here's what they've been up to since.
American lawman Wyatt Earp has become a legendary Western folk ... his brothers Morgan and Virgil, and Doc Holliday face off against five members of the Cochise County Cowboys.
“Wyatt Earp and the Cowboy War,” for all its action ... Wyatt’s brothers Morgan and Virgil (Shane Penhale, Ariel Eliaz) were ...
Wyatt Earp (Russell), a retired lawman, joins his brothers Virgil (Sam Elliott) and Morgan (Bill Paxton) and settles in ...
Wynonna Earp' movie to premiere on Tubi Sept ... There, the Earps clashed with a loose federation of outlaw Cowboys. Virgil, Morgan, and Wyatt held various law enforcement positions that put ...
Since the earliest days of film and television, Wyatt Earp has personified the ultimate Western outlaw hero. Dozens of productions have told his story, and still more have characters based on him.
Wyatt Earp and Doc Holliday are already good friends when Tombstone catches up with them, so it never shows how they met and became so close. Theres a lot to love in Tombstone, but the friendship ...