The coldest storm of the season has skiers excited, but Caltrans is warning that travel may be nearly impossible.
From Lake Tahoe to Colorado to the East Coast, how much snowfall these popular ski resorts in the U.S. and Canada could see, ...
Federal cuts have gutted the already-stretched-thin Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit, putting on hold critical work for the ...
The Tahoe Fire and Fuels Team will continue prescribed fire operations this week at Lake Tahoe, if conditions and weather are ...
Firings, dismissals and budget freezes could close nearly 4,000 campsites in California's 18 national forests this summer, the New York Times reports.
South Lake Tahoe residents are pressing for an audience with their elected representative, Rep. Kevin Kiley, but so far, they ...
Lake Tahoe Basin Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP) is now officially signed and valid, marking another significant ...