For example, something that bothers a lot of new fans is: why the hell didn't the Jedi catch Palpatine (Ian McDiarmid) sooner ...
Most figures in Hasbro’s Black Series line aren’t $50. They’re around half that. So, clearly, this Palpatine figure had ...
Obi-Wan had unwavering faith in Anankin. But his devotion to his apprentice sadly played a major part in Anakin’s descent to ...
LucasArts gave them a title, but no story direction. The studio thought of creating a game that would tell the story of Darth ...
Three decades after the release of Star Wars Special Edition, fans are still discussion the worst changes made to the ...
How did the galaxy feel right after Order 66? A new 'Star Wars' novel gives a hit into the mood of the former Republic.
A lot of the best Hollywood decisions came from necessity, and Star Wars' best casting decision was no exception, as a new ...
Star Wars has just revealed a little more of Palpatine's backstory - and how he managed to manipulate his way into power in ...
You could argue that there was a lot of old ground retrodden in the Star Wars sequel trilogy. The Force Awakens had the same ...
A new look at 'Andor' Season 2 reveals a key part of the Rebellion will be depicted. Here's what it means for Star Wars canon ...
Related: Shoppers Are Racing to Costco for a 'Must-Have' 1,229-Piece 'Harry Potter' LEGO Set ...