Discover our news on BNP Paribas wins awards for optimising energy consumption in its data centres - The bank for a changing ...
BNP PARIBAS has signed a buyer credit agreement for 100 million euros with SONATRACH, (Société Nationale algérienne d'hydrocarbures) on 23rd November 2000 in Paris. This credit line will allow direct ...
BNP Paribas launches ARTEGY, a company specialized in providing long-term leasing and management of industrial vehicle fleets. Today, ARTEGY manages a fleet of 2000 vehicles over 3.5 tons. The launch ...
BNP Paribas Immobilier and Atisreal signed an agreement on 27 January 2004, whereby BNP Paribas Immobilier will take a 49.9% stake in the capital of Atisreal International SAS, the remaining 50.1% ...
BNP Paribas is pleased to announce the appointment of Joe Lovrics as Head of Bond Sales for Iberia. He will be based in London and will report to Colin Grassie, Global Head of Bond Sales and Stefano ...
BNP Paribas and Apax Partners SA announce the sale of BNP Paribas Personal Finance Belgium to the funds managed by Apax Partners SA. This divestment will enable BNP Paribas to meet the requirements of ...
BNP Paribas Asset Management is pleased to announce the hire of Philippe Lespinard as (Global) CIO. He will be responsible for the fundamental research and active management activities of BNP PAM in ...
On 7 April 2000 BNP's Board of Directors, led by Chairman Michel Pébereau, approved BNP's merger with Paribas. The proposed merger will be submitted to the upcoming General Meeting of shareholders.
BNP Paribas Private Bank S.A. and Insinger de Beaufort Holdings S.A. announce today that they have concluded a strategic partnership. The transaction has two parts. BNP Paribas Private Bank will ...
Dutch are open to change. This concludes BNP Paribas, ‘the bank for a changing world' based on the ‘Change Index', the survey on change that Blauw Research recently executed for the bank. This survey ...
Pascal Boris has been appointed Head of Territory for Paribas in the UK with immediate effect. Mr Boris succeeds Robert de Metz - a member of the Paribas Executive Board - who is leaving the bank. Mr ...
The “Insight” team, made up of 3 Ukrainian students coming from the National Taras Shevchenko University, emerged as winners of the final round of ‘Ace Manager – The Eight Set’, the Eighth annual ...