Recruitment for Australia’s next National Children’s Commissioner is now underway, seeking a bold leader who will drive real change for Australia’s children.
The ECEC sector’s inaugural ECEC Owners and Landlords Forum has been postponed to 28 March 2025 as fears of the likely trajectory of Cyclone Alfred build.
The key is to keep it light, fun, and reassuring for everyone,” Young Academics Centre Manager Octavia Amituanai said.
National Playgroup Week will be celebrated and acknowledged from 17 - 23 March, highlighting the role playgroups play in fostering connection.
Lilly knew from a young age that she wanted to work with children, and wasted no time in getting her career started.
Member for Eureka Michaela Settle officially opened Ballan’s latest kindergarten last week, cutting the ribbon in week 2 of operations.
The Nationals have made promises about early childhood education and care (ECEC) in Moree Plains Shire, ahead of a yet to be called Federal Election.
UQ’s Dr Claudia Bull analysed data from more than 6,000 children born in Brisbane’s Mater Mother’s Hospital between 1981 and 1983, finding parental income, social isolation and education were the main ...
The QLD Department of Education has issued advice for ECEC services ahead of the expected arrival of Tropical Cyclone Alfred.
Sports clubs, particularly in rural and regional settings, have a way of bringing communities together, something Jenny’s Early Learning understands.
Round Two offers for the Federal Government’s $160 million Commonwealth Teaching Scholarships Program went out late last week.
ECMS service Topirum Primary School Kindergarten commenced operations earlier this year, growing quickly in support of the needs of the local community.