A client (UK) was gifted a property by his Grandmother in Germany in 2016 valued at £30k, the Grandmother continued to live in the flat until her ...
Audit needs to address its attractiveness, and regulators must also balance how hard they come down on people who make ...
Developments in HMRC compliance, changes to R&D tax relief guidance, and internal restructuring of HMRC are the biggest news so far in 2025.* ...
We have been a loyal customer of IRIS as our main software provider for several years. We recently received a renewal notice outlining our pricing ...
Client wants to give their parents £20k cash to put towards a retirement home to be nearer to where the client lives.
I have seen a set of dominant accounts at companies house for a limited company where during the first period of accounts the company had registered ...
I am about to complete a fairly straight forward Capital Gains tax calculation, there is just one thing I am unsure of.
Samantha Sinclair-Day of Sinclair Day Accountancy Services is on a mission to make numbers work, clients stress less and ...
Allica Bank [1] announced the expansion of its commercial mortgage proposition. The challenger bank is entering the ...
It’s easy to see why nearly 40 percent of accounting professionals said they had already adopted cloud-based tools to manage ...
In 2023, the first tier tribunal (FTT) determined that a variation on the theme of using a home loan scheme to reduce the value of an estate [1] for ...
Company is registering for VAT for the first time.  The option to go with Flat Rate Scheme has been selected.  Guidance says that preregistration VAT ...