The DePauw community grieves the loss of its distinguished alumnus, trustee and loyal supporter Hirotsugu "Chuck" Iikubo ’57.
DePauw University mourns the loss of Janet Prindle Seidler ’58, a Wall Street pioneer, a generous philanthropist and a ...
Develop the leadership skills, critical thinking and experience necessary to lead in today’s world. Our brilliant faculty and co-curricular liberal arts approach make this transformation possible.
Develop the leadership skills, critical thinking and experience necessary to lead in today’s world. Our brilliant faculty and co-curricular liberal arts approach make this transformation possible.
Purpose: The objective of the summer research fund is to increase the opportunities for faculty and students to work together on research projects in the summer. The project and the proposal should be ...
Resident Assistants (RAs) at DePauw University support various community types within traditional residence halls and apartment-style housing. Resident Assistants are student leaders who are ...
The services provided by the volunteer should not be the same services for which they were previously paid and/or expect to be hired and paid for in the future; The services are performed for a ...
As an F-1 or J-1 student, your options for employment are restricted by law. While you are a registered student, you are limited to on-campus work done for DePauw and paid for by DePauw, unless ...