Requests for reimbursement of lodging expenses must include an itemized receipt from the lodging provider. Meals are allowable during the course of conference travel. Reasonable expenses incurred for ...
Through our innovative, hands-on programs, you’ll explore ways to address air quality concerns and flooding issues, learn how to design and build more climate-resilient infrastructure, and determine ...
What is the Professional Development Fund? As part of the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) between Fordham Faculty United and the University, a yearly fund of $25,000 was established for the ...
Fordham is committed to a learning, living, and work environment free of any kind of sexual violence or misconduct. The University will take prompt steps reasonably calculated to end the sexual ...
If your University department would like further training or awareness on a particular subject matter relating to discrimination, please contact this office at [email protected] or call Elizabeth ...
Faculty are required to offer pregnant and parenting students reasonable accommodation in order to finish their coursework. This may include viable alternatives or additional time to complete required ...
If you are an employee and are unable to locate where to file a discrimination complaint, please contact the Office for Human Resources to assist you in filing a complaint with the University. You may ...
You can also contact Public Safety, the Health Center, or Student Affairs staff who can assist you in getting medical attention. The Health Center is also available to provide pregnancy tests and ...
Jhailyn Farcon had a feeling she would make it to Broadway one day. She just didn’t expect the opportunity to come so quickly ...
Register online through Symplicity. Log in, select the OCI Tab, then the Schedule Request Tab, and select Request Schedule. From the Sessions drop-down menu select the desired week of fall weeks, or ...
Our Tech kiosks at the Rose Hill and Lincoln Center campuses provide students the ability to borrow a laptop for up to four hours for free. To borrow a laptop, visit a kiosk and follow the on-screen ...
Indhira Jaquez-Torres left a job as a teacher to finish her master’s at Fordham and launch her cybersecurity career.