He says that a significant fear is that landlords could quit the private rental sector completely if the costs and ...
A group of MPs, led by Labour’s Mohammad Yasin, claims private landlords – along with social housing councils and housing ...
It’s not just landlords who appear to be forced out of the private rental sector by the threat of the Renters Rights Bill.
Plans were announced last month to introduce a new requirement for rental homes to have a minimum Energy Performance ...
A council which operates what it describes as its own form of lettings agency admits that landlords are quitting the private ...
It has in the past published letters with some sympathy for those providing housing, but has now published a more explicit ...
A council has published what it calls a Tenants’ Charter to provide guidance on “habitable standards.” In it, North Herts ...
The lender has also increased its FTL criteria on maximum loan amounts from £350,000 to £500,000. It says this provides ...
A council is holding a free education session for landlords later this month, In collaboration with the National Residential ...
There’s been a dramatic sell off of Birmingham City Council properties and sites in recent months, with property investors ...
According to the NFIB data, the resulting fraud losses amounted to nearly £9m across around 5,000 reported cases last year.
Landlords have been boosted by a drop in voids during February. The latest data from Goodlord shows voids – the length of ...