A weakening of the North Atlantic overturning circulation would cause the ocean to absorb less carbon dioxide - and this is ...
To become infectious, HIV has to undergo a maturation process, which involves a rearrangement of the matrix proteins (red).
New evidence suggests that mean annual precipitation in the Amazon region is not going to change significantly even if it ...
Swarms begin when flightless juveniles aggregate and start marching in unison. Understanding how these plague insects ...
For the first time, an international collaboration has demonstrated that synthetic carbon assimilation can operate more ...
We want to connect alumni all over the world - regardless of where they are - by setting up a global alumni network across ...
Proteins are the molecular building blocks and engines of the cell, and are involved in practically all life processes. Researchers at the Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry investigate the ...
In the following sections, we explain which data we record when you visit one of our websites, and how exactly they are utilized: Each time you visit our website, our service and applications ...
Innovation und Wertschöpfung basieren auf Bildung und Spitzenforschung. Um Deutschlands führende Rolle in der Wissenschaft zu ...
Dem Physiker Ferenc Krausz gelang es zum ersten Mal mit Hilfe von Attosekunden-Lichtpulsen, die Bewegung atomarer Elektronen abzubilden und zu messen. Für diese Leistung, die den Beginn der Attosekund ...
Damit HIV infektiös wird, muss es einen Reifungsprozess durchlaufen, bei dem es zu einer Umstrukturierung der Matrixproteine ...
Der durchschnittliche Jahresniederschlag in der Amazonasregion wird sich neusten Erkenntnissen zufolge nicht wesentlich ...