Duxton Water has agreed to sell 30,614 megalitres from its Murray-Darling Basin water portfolio to the federal government in ...
A grazing property on the eastern side of SA's Flinders Ranges is on the market with a suggested selling price of $620,000.
Live sheep export volumes are expected to plummet in the coming financial year as the trade ban date of May 1, 2028 nears, ...
Ashley Walmsley is the editor of ACM's only national, fresh produce magazine, Good Fruit & Vegetables, while also covering ...
High country Hereford calves sold by just 10 vendors made more than $1.4 million at the Ensay Mountain Calf Sale on Wednesday morning.
Big cattle supply is tipped to come down the pipeline over the next month and most indicators are this week showing signs of ...
Imagine being able to train a dog to sniff out the footrot organism in sheep just like sniffer dogs can detect drugs being ...
The annual Mountain Calf Sales kicked off with a steady start at Hinnomunjie on Tuesday morning as cattle buyers descended on ...
Northern buyers have again put a solid floor in the March Euroa store sale, with a large part of the yarding going across the border.
Hereford weaners were knocked down to buyers from "everywhere" at the Benambra Mountain Calf Sale on Tuesday afternoon.
Few details are yet to be released on the proposed wind farm, one of three already planned for the local region, and the ...
A large-scale Wimmera cropping property just south of Minyip is on the sales market.