A hot and windy week cast doubt over the Tablelands' crop sowing ...
It may be the end of an era for the Royalla Merino stud, however, their bloodlines are still proving to be industry relevant, ...
Steers and heifers chosen for show ring potential have sold to 1840 cents a kilogram at the Colin Say and Company 16 th ...
Agriculture Minister Julie Collins says a re-elected Labor would create a national food security strategy. Picture by Dakota ...
Malcolm, Annabell and Sam Davies, Greenwald Pastoral Company, Foster, Vic with guest auctioneer Lincoln McKinlay, LINC'D Pty ...
Incoming tropical cyclone Alfred is posing a threat to the current sorghum harvest in Queensland and northern NSW, as the ...
Emerging crop forecaster DAS (Digital Agricultural Services), which relies on machine learning and mapping via a metric ...
Wendouree is a top quality 1044 hectare (2580 acre) property located on the Back Trundle Road in the Cooks Myalls district, ...
Science is proving phenomenally higher nutritional value in food grown on farms where soil health is the top management ...
"Using organic soil inputs and other resources will benefit you and your farm and the food you're producing - and, in turn, ...
Two Chicks, No Rooster is written by two journalists based in regional NSW. They've invited you along to hear about the ...
The Australian Bureau of Agriculture and Resource Economics and Sciences (ABARES) has found an additional 4.1 million tonnes ...