This happened while you were sleeping. Here's what global agencies recorded overnight from Friday to Saturday. Tens of ...
In addition to the missile megacity, the IRGC Navy showcased a hidden underground naval base located along Iran's southern ...
Navy pilot John Leppla was credited with shooting down five Japanese aircraft in aerial combat before he was shot down and ...
Naval Base Kitsap would swap the Navy’s oldest aircraft carrier, the USS Nimitz, for its newest, the USS John F. Kennedy, ...
As more and more men in the U.S. Navy deployed overseas during World War II, someone needed to fill traditionally ...
The Navy fired hundreds of interceptors, some costing $28.7 million a piece, to destroy Houthi and Iranian missiles and ...
The USS Olympia is best known for winning the Battle of Manila Bay and for transporting a service member's remains to the ...
The DDG(X) class will incorporate cutting-edge measures like hypersonic and directed-energy weapons and increased payload ...
SS United States is set to become the world's biggest artificial reef in Florida's Gulf. Southwest Florida has it's own ...
The last World War I-era American dreadnought USS Texas (BB-35) will remain in the Port of Galveston as a museum ship, the ...
The Houthis claim to have shot down a US drone after the Trump administration officially designated the rebel group a foreign ...
Trump’s first administration similarly designated the Houthis, but the designation was revoked by President Joe Biden’s ...