Many artists are inseparably associated with their medium: Vincent Van Gogh had oil paint, Auguste Rodin had bronze, and Banksy has the spraycan and stencil. You have ICs, passives, wire, and solder.
Rest assured that this beautiful solar-powered circuit sculpture fits the only definition of pummer that we care to deal with. For the unfamiliar, a pummer is a device from the BEAM style of ...
On Friday, a giant sculpture of a man and woman titled "Embrace" was burned to the ground at Burning Man. Made from 160,000 lbs of wood, "Embrace" is a 72-foot-tall wooden cathedral-like sculpture ...
"What is sculpture?" ponders the American potter and designer Jonathan Adler. He's asking, because this once-rarefied genre has had something of an overhaul: "People are taking the idea of art off ...
One of the most beloved sculptures to ever be on display in New York, Bjørn Okholm Skaarup’s iconic "Hippo Ballerina" has currently set up residence in Fordham University's outdoor sculpture ...
Get lost in this whimsical land of unique and abstract sculptures tucked away in a free garden brimming with dense greenery and sprawling trails.