What Crestmont Research's data set showed is that all 106 rolling 20-year periods produced a positive total return. An ...
One of the most referenced valuation measures is Dr. Robert Shiller’s Cyclically Adjusted Price-Earnings Ratio, known as CAPE ...
The CAPE ETF is based on the work of Professor Robert Shiller of Yale, adapted by DoubleLine, its parent company. Click here ...
A new research paper finds that there’s a simpler way of cyclically adjusting earnings to forecast future returns using just ...
Indexes have been soaring in recent quarters, led by growth stocks as investors pile into themes like artificial intelligence ...
It's easy to criticise our favoured valuation measure, but investors ignore its track record at their peril. The cyclically adjusted price/earnings (Cape) ratio popularised by Yale professor ...
While there’s nothing wrong with staying fully invested domestically (investing in America has been a winning bet time and ...
also known as the cyclically adjusted P/E ratio (CAPE ratio). The Shiller P/E is based on average inflation-adjusted earnings from the prior 10 years, which means shock events and recessions won't ...