Seit zehn Monaten leitet Paul Reinelt das Jugendzentrum Sankt Martin in Duisdorf. Er erzählt, wie er die Arbeit mit den ...
Die Kinderrechtsorganisation Terre des Hommes Deutschland e.V. kritisiert die Unterzeichnung des Gesetzes zur temporären ...
The Nissan’s driver, Aaron Rodriguez Hernandez, 21, was hospitalized with moderate injuries and later released. He was ...
Hooksett Public Library has closed the chapter on a months-long renovation project in the wake of significant flooding last ...
Tallahassee area camps help fill the bill with art, nature, theater, sports, music and other camps. Check out the lineup of ...
A federal judge has dismissed Fox News Media from a lawsuit filed by former Fox Business producer Jennifer Eckhart against the network and its former star, anchor and correspondent Ed Henry. Fox fired ...
DnD stats are the foundation of Dungeons and Dragons’ in-depth mechanics. When a creature wants to act, they’ll be called to make a dice roll, and their stats will modify the make-or-break results. A ...
THE chartered jet that is carrying former President Rodrigo Duterte to the International Criminal Court in The Netherlands was delayed for more than 7 hours during a layover in Dubai.
Das ist das Konzept der bunten Kinder-Barfußschuhe von Affenzahn, der umweltbewussten Marke, die für ihre niedlichen Tierrucksäcke mit der ausziehbaren Zunge bekannt ist. Wie bei den Kinderrucksäcken ...
After an underwhelming performance at the box office, "Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves" seems to be finally finding its audience since landing on Netflix on February 26. The Chris Pine ...
The Deck of Wonder is a deck of 13-22 cards that was created “in the image” of the Deck of Many Things. Although it behaves in a much kinder way. The Deck of Wonder is like a Deck of Many Things for ...