Pet owners want the best when it comes to feeding their four-legged friends. And with so many dog food choices, from fresh to ...
Spring is here in Oklahoma, meaning more time to walk your dog. But those walks are often interrupted by something that looks – and smells – awful.
I never imagined I would be writing about dog waste for a column, but a recent incident led to a larger discussion about the decline of manners.
The researchers said they saw puppies playing in fenced-off playgrounds, despite signs indicating dogs were barred from the ...
Dog and cat roundworms have been linked to loss of vision, difficulty breathing, asthma, epilepsy and cognitive decline in ...
The following tips should help bulletproof your pup’s recall: One of the best ways to start this training is to speak your ...
Your dog begs to go out, so you oblige and then wait an eternity for your pup to go to the bathroom. Ten minutes pass without ...
Related: The Lobsters at this No-Fuss Virginia Restaurant are Out-of-this-World Delicious Related: This Unassuming Restaurant ...
One NPR producer shared the story of Jack, a blue heeler mix, and Collette Yee, a bounder, in tracking down elusive whale ...
Bad behaviour at the dog park isn’t always limited to playful pups getting overexcited. Ensuring owners understand the ground ...
I never imagined I would be writing about dog waste for a column, but a recent incident led to a larger discussion about the ...
The dog signs off on a distinctly potty-mouthed note: “So, come on: Pick up your s*** and let’s f*** colon cancer,” it says ...