Early human migration timeline into South America has stirred debate. Researchers have long argued about when these first ...
With continued excavation at Swartkrans, researchers hope to uncover more of SWT1/HR-2’s skeleton, which could further ...
Anatolia, the western part of modern-day Turkey that sits at the crossroads of Asia, Africa, and Europe, is a fossil-rich ...
Remarkable new fossils from Swartkrans Cave reveal that a prehistoric relative of humans was also extremely small and ...
The intricate cave system perched deep in an isolated stretch of Spanish mountains contained the remains of an ancient and ...
Scientists have uncovered evidence that modern humans emerged from two long-separated ancestral groups, not just one. This ...
Humans stand apart from many other primates by taking more time to mature, relying on a supportive network during a long ...
A team of researchers spotted two teeth fossils of creatures living alongside dinosaurs who later turned out to be of human ...
Analysis - Piecing together the story of Europe's earliest settlers is a challenge, largely because relevant human fossils ...
Piecing together the story of Europe’s earliest settlers is a challenge, largely because relevant human fossils are scarce.
A team from the University of Cambridge has found that modern humans descended from not one, but at least two ancestral populations.